Public wireless network signal degradation prediction model based on quality of service and quality of user experience parameters.

Members:     Estrada Pico Rebeca Leonor, Asanza Armijos Victor Manuel, Valeriano Cantos Irving Alexander, Collaguazo Jaramillo Adriana Elisa, Torres Moran Danny Alfredo, Aizaga Villon Xavier Francisco, Vera Mendez Nelson Vicente.
Date: 1 year 8 months
Financing:   Espol




What is it about?

The project is comprised of a captive portal service that will be available at any access point within a specific network. This captive portal acts as a network access controller, redirecting users to the installation or automatic execution of a developed application. The application allows users to register or authenticate to access browsing over the network for a limited time.


Additionally, it offers users the opportunity to complete a survey to evaluate the connection process, and as an incentive, they are given additional connection time for participating. Network parameter information will be collected through scripts corresponding to the connections of devices browsing the network. In this way, both objective and subjective data are obtained, which will be used to train prediction models that improve the quality of the browsing experience.


General objective:

Evaluate prediction models that improve the quality of experience (QoE) of users by measuring quality of service performance parameters of the public wireless network and evaluating the user experience.


Project objectives:

  • Objective 1: Implement a mobile application that measures and captures data from the public wireless network such as upload and download speed, latency, signal strength in real time, frequency, channel, channel type among other wireless connection variables and that also surveys the user experience for creating a dataset that allows appropriate analysis.
  • Objective 2: Select the appropriate prediction model by evaluating several prediction models using the generated dataset.
  • Objective 3: Identify appropriate schemes that improve the quality of user experience based on service quality performance parameters.

Project methodology:

  • Implementation of a system for managing the temporary connection of devices on a network.
  • Development of an application for regulated network access.
  • Monitoring and management of control variables.

Publications related to the project:

Paper/ Jul 10-12, 2023

Evaluation of Machine Learning Prediction Models for Wifi based Indoor Positioning System

Estrada Rebeca, Vera Nelson, Aizaga Xavier

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